January 2022
"Difference Tones" (with sound and net artists Mendi + Keith Obadike, musician Anna Vafai, and artist Paul Vanouse), Albright-Knox Art Gallery
October 2021
"Coded Bias" (with media artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Squeaky Wheel curator Ekrem Serdar), Albright-Knox Art Gallery
May 2018 (as panel contributor)
"It's About Time: Building a New Discipline: Time Based Media Art Conservation," New York University (event link) (video link)
April 2018
"Plotting the Future: Paper and the Evolution of Digital Art," Papier art fair, Montreal (video link)
"Diagnosing the Divide: Electronic Art, Between Mainstream and Marginal," The Art of Technology Festival, Pratt Institute, New York
"Learning to Look," IDEAS CITY Festival, New Museum, New York
"Difference Tones" (with sound and net artists Mendi + Keith Obadike, musician Anna Vafai, and artist Paul Vanouse), Albright-Knox Art Gallery
October 2021
"Coded Bias" (with media artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer and Squeaky Wheel curator Ekrem Serdar), Albright-Knox Art Gallery
May 2018 (as panel contributor)
"It's About Time: Building a New Discipline: Time Based Media Art Conservation," New York University (event link) (video link)
April 2018
"Plotting the Future: Paper and the Evolution of Digital Art," Papier art fair, Montreal (video link)
"Diagnosing the Divide: Electronic Art, Between Mainstream and Marginal," The Art of Technology Festival, Pratt Institute, New York
"Learning to Look," IDEAS CITY Festival, New Museum, New York